Monday, December 15, 2014

Life, Holiness and Community

LIFE isn't about 'what you have' 'where you've been' or 'the title you're called by'...
HOLINESS isn't following religious rules to perfection—the rules are the means, never the end...
SUCCESS isn't determined by what you've accomplished for yourself...

LIFE is drawing each breath, using each moment, in a way that makes the Divine evident to others (and yourself)
HOLINESS is being in a way that makes the Divine want to come near you, and those around you want to come near the Divine
SUCCESS is what you've worked with others to accomplish together

The GOAL is to repair the damage and fill the voids in the lives (individual and collective) around us by bringing the Divine close and shining Divine light on the broken and damaged pieces. The Divine light is not for us to draw attention to ourselves, but to keep focused on the need(s). Resisting the urge to stand in the spotlight is STRENGTH

COMMUNITY is holy, it's being like the Holy One
The Holy One loves individuals, but needs communities—large and small —to be fully present with us and sanctified in our midst
We were created, and are filled, with Divine life-breath, so we too need more than just the Holy One, we need one another—in all our diversity—as much as we need the Holy One

As we LIVE HOLINESS, COMMUNITIES that unite synergistically, are able focus enough of the light of the Divine Who is drawing near to usus, giving us wisdom, strength and hope to HEAL this world we have damaged. Achieving this GOAL sanctifies the Holy One in our midst.

The struggle isn't getting the Divine to defeat the Evil
The struggle is getting US to accept what LIFE, HOLINESS and SUCCESS realty are rather chase the counterfeit goals of possession, position, and power.

COMMUNITY is powerful. It doesn't take a large community to move a large obstacle or make long-term changes to society IF we keep the GOAL in sight.
HOLINESS is contagious. We are designed to respond to holiness and inspire one another to increase it.

If you've read all this and felt uplifted and inspired, don't leave without asking yourself THREE QUESTIONS (today and every day):

WHAT am I really living for each day?
WHO am I focusing the light with and on?
HOW can I increase true holiness in myself and my community?

It's TIME to make each day count and repair this world TOGETHER—Starting NOW!

[Inspired by learning with and from Rabbi Aaron Alexander, Reb Mimi Feigelson, Rabbi Shai Held and Rabbi Michael Knopf]

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